The past years have shown that our world is becoming more complex and filled with many nuances, which has been demanding for each of us. Honestly, the complexities are only becoming even more difficult to completely comprehend, especially for regular people who desire a more peaceful, balanced, and simple life (like me, huhu). According to Jung, often judgements made by individuals are influenced by their personality type and makes each perspective heavily relative. Additionally, the current society is still influenced by a patriarchal culture, which can be connected to the functions of the animus. The animus can be defined as an archetype representing the universal masculine aspects. An archetype can be described as universal patterns of behaviour or psychic structures that help to structure our comprehension of unconscious ideas.
The animus has been further developed and modified to fit the current socio-political environment, which has led to disconnecting the animus and its counterpart anima from biological sex and any gender. Nevertheless, the current society is still overly identified with their intellect, which often gets associated to animus. As a result of the over-identification, the functions of an overly operated animus have become visible in individuals, people, groups, cultures, etc. The consequences of an over-identification with the animus often lead to misunderstandings. Due to content consisting of opinions instead of reflections, which often are connected to former assumptions that get misinterpreted as factual or absolute truths. An example of an over-identification with the animus can be observed in arguments where both parties believe they are completely correct. The fascinating part of our current society is that we have delved deeper into moral judgements, which has become more challenging in such a complex society. According to Jung, moral judgments are often subject and based upon opinions. Additionally, Jung emphasised that we as individuals have to transform the perceived often or projected negativity/evil within ourselves to contribute to society eventually. As a result of the internal transformation, we are often forced to observe our shadow and, in the end, search for the Self. The Self often represents a more comprehensive and wiser part of our being, which often reveals one's purpose and path in life. The text's main point is that we are currently in a society, culture, and world where complexities are increasing. As a result of the increase of complexities in the world, we have to get clearer on who we are as individuals and our prioritise, which comes from becoming more purpose-driven rather than chasing the shiny object. Additionally, we have become a little critical of what is factual and truthful or based upon opinions and prior assumptions. Last of all, what is calling us forward or can be perceived as our life purpose is often something we can find ourselves during introspection. Comments are closed.
October 2024
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