The realist might be the biggest fool of them all because they have closed themselves off, categorised, and limited themselves. Firstly, realists are unaware that they have only developed their perspectives through primarily negative experiences, which they label as fact and something that applies to everyone. Secondly, their experience is not factual and does not apply to everyone because they are not omnipotent and often have made several mistakes throughout their lives. Finally, due to these mistakes, realists develop a more pessimistic view of everything and often perceive opportunities as scams, infantile, and all of the above.
The funniest part about realists is that they are often mentally and psychologically weak. Due to the lack of characteristics required to pursue one’s desires are the correct intentions, faith, hope, belief, persistence, courage, and resilience, which realists have lost because of their “experiences”. However, realists lack the intelligence to comprehend that these factors are required when pursuing one’s desires, especially when circumstances are not the most ideal or negative. For example, an individual is only courageous due to their fears because courage is just an individual who faces their fears, despite being fearful, anxious, scared, etc. In other words, these characteristics only exist because of the law of duality or dualism. The law of duality or dualism refers to a belief from Hindu and Buddhist philosophy, which conceives reality as composed of two contrasting parts. For example, how would an individual know about happiness without sadness? They exist because of each other, maybe an oversimplification. Based on personal experience, many realists have been conditioned by their environment to perceive reality as harmful, dangerous, and full of misery. The main issue with realists is that they believe what has happened to them will happen to everyone else, which is not valid. For example, when I left my previous occupation, many of my colleagues meant that I should have pursued a degree or further education in my field. However, I am not the most obedient individual and chose the opposite because I intuitively felt I was in the wrong field. The funniest part was that route has taken me on a process of individuation, or as Joseph Campbell calls it, the hero’s journey. Honestly, I have experienced more than I would have if I listened to my previous colleagues. My journey has been filled with positive and negative experiences, but I would not have exchanged any of them for anything else. Due to these experiences, I can finally live a life where I can authentically express and do things without being dominated by negative biases. Last of all, to the individuals who are not willing to listen to the realists or societal norms, I applaud you for doing something many of us have stopped because of other’s opinions, thoughts, and beliefs. The most vital thing is to keep faith or hope when circumstances are not ideal and remember the law of duality. Also, remember to show the realist the middle finger and keep pursuing your desires. Comments are closed.
October 2024
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